Yonsei School of 바카라 커뮤니티

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The undergraduate program at YSB allows students to explore a range of academic options and at the same time, provides fundamental 바카라 커뮤니티 skills and knowledge. The YSB undergraduate curriculum requires 126 credit hours of course work incorporating the GBED’s required basic and requisite courses, YSB basic courses, YSB requisite courses, YSB elective courses, and other elective courses. YSB courses and other electives are meant to offer students the fundamental 바카라 커뮤니티 skills and knowledge.

International students who initially admitted in 2019 and thereafter are affiliated in Global Basic Education Division(GBED) under the Global Leaders College(GLC) for freshman year. They will be affiliated in 바카라 커뮤니티 administration from sophomore and begin to study YSB major curriculum.

Global Basic Education Division(GBED) Requirement (27 바카라 커뮤니티)
TypeTotal Credit Requirement바카라 커뮤니티 (course credit)
Basic Education 11 바카라 커뮤니티
  • Chapel (2)
  • GLC English I (3) + GLC English II (3)
  • Understanding Christianity (3)
General Education 15바카라 커뮤니티

• GLC General Education (9)

• Local and Global Communities (Requisite course : Fundamentals of Ecomonics) (3)

• Logic and Quantitative Reasoning (Requisite course : Introduction to Statistics) (3)

Residential College Requisite 1Credit
  • 바카라 커뮤니티 RC101 Course
바카라 커뮤니티 Undergraduate Program Requirement (48 credits)
Basic 18 바카라 커뮤니티
  • Organizational Behavior (3)
  • Principles of Accounting (3)
  • Financial Management (3)
  • Production and Operations Management (3)
  • Marketing (3)
  • Management Science (3)
Requisite 9 바카라 커뮤니티
  • Management Accounting (3)
  • Management Information Systems (3)
  • Strategic Management (3)
Core Electives 21 바카라 커뮤니티
  • Minimum of 7 바카라 커뮤니티 courses among those offered by YSB
Electives (51 바카라 커뮤니티)
Other Electives 51 바카라 커뮤니티
  • About 17 courses (Students may freely choose the courses offered by YSB and 바카라 커뮤니티 University.)

A total of 45 credits must be taken from among upper level (Year 3 or 4) courses from 바카라 커뮤니티 Administration or other majors.

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