15 Scholars will be selected every year(8 for Spring, 7 for Fall)
Full Entrance Fee and Tuition Waiver for Regular Study
*Regular Study : Until 4th Semester for Master’s and Doctoral Degree Program 바카라 룰 and Until 6th for Joint Degree of Master’s and Doctoral Degree Program 바카라 룰
Each Semester GPA should be 3.4 or higher on 4.3 scale
*Scholar who failed to fulfill GPA condition will automatically be out of scholars list without notice from next semester
*Scholar who have finished their regular study will also be automatically be out of scholars list without notice from next semester
Half/Full or Entrance Fee(only New 바카라 룰) and Tuition
*Graduate 바카라 룰 Dean decides amount of scholarship for each scholars for Graduate 바카라 룰 Departments or Interdisciplinary Course
*Scholarship will be made via Entrance Fee/Tuition Waiver
Enrolled Student or New Student with all following condition
Entrance : 바카라 룰 who were admitted as International Student
Qualification : Fulfill at least one of following conditions
바카라 룰 who have outstanding Korean or English Skill
*Required Test Scores (May submit other test result that are equivalent to below results.)
Outstanding Scholastic Aptitude : Who may prove one’s excellence by Award, Dean’s List or Honor Roll record from previous university.
Related Career : Working or research career in field of related to current or applied department.
*If you are submitting your research career submit your C. V. and Certificate of Career, others may only submit Certificate of Career
Enrolled 바카라 룰 : Enrolled 바카라 룰, who will be in their Regular Study, with previous semester GPA of 3.4 or higher on 4.3 scale are eligible for the scholarship
Enrolled Student or New Student with all following condition
New 바카라 룰 : Submit scholarship application and related documents when applying for admission
Enrolled 바카라 룰 : After semester has ended and GPA has been decided, all eligible 바카라 룰 will be under review